This week the Alaska State Legislature has started with committee meetings and informational overviews. House Fisheries committee heard a presentation by ADFG on State versus Federal fisheries management. See the meeting page for audio archive and Powerpoint of the presentation.
For the week of January 30, hearings include budget overviews from Commercial and Sport fishing divisions, public input on Bristol Bay sulfide mine and Commercial fishing loan program total limit, Motor Fuel Tax in both the House and Senate Transportation committees, and a Senate hearing on a land grant for Petersburg Borough..
So far, legislation has not been introduced for fishing industry specific taxes.
We will continue to monitor the bills and hearings.
Hearing schedule next week for topics noted above:
FY18 Budget Overviews:
– Dept. of Law
– Dept. of Fish & Game
– Dept. of Corrections
Public testimony is scheduled for HB 14 – Leg. approval of Bristol Bay sulfide mine- Josephson
House Finance ADFG Budget Subcommittee Tuesday 1/31 11:00 AM Room 120
Overview: Div. of Commercial Fisheries Budget by Scott Kelly, Director
Note that House Fisheries committee is having two part meetings on its normal Tuesday & Thursday 10-12 schedule next week. The second hour is dedicated to Fish and Game Budget Subcommittee.
HB60 – Motor Fuel tax
See also SB 25 below in Senate Transportation Thursday at 1:00 PM.
Public testimony will be taken on HB 56 – Relating to limitations on certain commercial fishing loans made by the Department of Commerce, Community, and Economic Development – Ortiz
This bill increases the total limit to $400,000 total limit for an individual borrower.
To listen in or testify from outside of Juneau, see the Legislative Information Office list.
If you are unable to get to an LIO, the call in number for all committees is 844-586-9085.
House Finance ADFG Budget Subcommittee Thursday 2/2 11:00 AM Room 120
Overview: Div. of Sportfish Budget by Tom Brookover, Director
SB 25 – Motor Fuel Tax; Transportation Maintenance Fund
- 6. Senate Community & Regional Affairs – Thursday Feb 2, 3:30 PM – Room 105
SB 28 – Land Grant of 14,666 acres to Petersburg Borough
- Bills related to fisheries, and others that may be of interest to fishermen:
HB 14 – Leg. approval of Bristol Bay sulfide mine- Josephson
HB 17 – Establishing a fish and game conservation program/account in ADFG – Josephson
HB 19 – Ban neonicotinoid pesticides – Drummond…
HB 29 -Prohibiting sale of genetically modified fish/fish products – Tarr
HB 32 Relating to the labeling of food; relating to the misbranding of food; requiring labeling of food produced with genetic engineering – Tarr
HB 36 Corporate Tax Loophole Elimination Act – Gara
HB 42 – relating to seizure of property; relating to forfeiture to the state – includes language on seizure of fishing permits…
-Was heard in House Judiciary committee on Monday 1/23.
-Related news item:
HB 45 – Minimum wage
HB 46 Procure AK Fish, Ag Prod.; Raw Milk Sales – Tarr
HB 51 Small Vessel Wastewater Exemption – Stutes
& Senate Companion bill:
SB 3 Small commercial passenger vessel wastewater exemption; & exempting two new ferries from 1% for art -Stedman
HB 60 – Motor Fuel Tax
& Senate companion bill
SB25 – Fuel tax
HB 56 Relating to limitations on certain commercial fishing loans made by the Department of Commerce, Community, and Economic Development – Ortiz
HB 63 Transferring duties from DCCED to Department of Revenue – Rep. Pruitt
SB 5 Prohibiting groups controlled by a legislator from soliciting and accepting contributions or from making certain contributions and expenditures during a regular or special legislative session; and prohibiting some lobbyists from making campaign contributions to certain groups – Meyer
SB 7 Establishing a museum construction grant program in the Department of Commerce, Community, and Economic Development – Stevens
SB 12 – Employment tax for educational facilities – sets a tax rate on wages and self-employment from $50 – $500, “on wages and on net earnings from self-employment of every (1) resident individual; and (2) nonresident and part-year resident individual with income from a source in the state.”
SB 28 – Land Grant of 14,666 acres to Petersburg Borough – Stedman
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