Thanks to UFA members for their support.
We encourage members to support our business members – see links on our website.
We have sent letters to convey the positions the UFA board took during our Spring annual meeting in February.
Most are posted on our website / current issues tab.
UFA At-large election results – welcome new at-large directors Sue Aspelund and Rhonda Hubbard to the UFA Board, effective April 15.
Bruce Schactler and Zach Hill were both re-elected. A press release has been issued and will be posted soon at our press releases page.
Thanks to over 200 individual and life members that participated in the election and especially to the thirteen qualified nominees that did not make the top four.
Legislative happenings from last week & today:
The 30th Alaska Legislature is continuing its first regular session beyond the voter-approved 90 day limit.
With work focusing on budget and revenue measures, committee schedules have been subject to rescheduling and cancellations.
For the status of any bill, best to click on the link to the bill for status, text of latest version and scheduling. Note that if a bill has been heard in a committee it can be brought up under “bills previously heard”.
CFEC Legislation was introduced Saturday 4/15 in both House and Senate by request of the Governor…
“An Act relating to the Alaska Commercial Fisheries Entry Commission; and providing for an effective date.”
SB 115 was referred to State Affairs and Finance committees.
HB 231 was referred to House Fisheries and Finance committees.
No hearings have been scheduled at this time.
UFA and our member organizations are looking into these closely.
HB 56 Commercial fishing loan limits – was heard and held in Senate Finance committee today 4/17. It may be taken up at a future committee meeting under “bills previously heard”.
HB 115 – now re-titled as the ‘Education Funding Act‘ with Permanent Fund removed (see SB26 above), passed the House on Saturday 4/15 and is now in the Senate, referred to Labor and Commerce and Finance committees. It was previously amended on 4/3 in House Finance Committee, removing withholding requirements for all independent contractors, so the issue of withholding on payments to commercial fishing crew has been eliminated from the bill.
HJR 9 – Canadian Mines on Transboundary Rivers – was heard Wednesdayand moved on Friday out of House Resources… is now in House Rules committee.
The Joint House and Senate session for Confirmation of Governor’s Appointees was postponed from its 4/13 scheduling and is not currently scheduled.
The House and Senate both are adjourned until Wednesday morning April 19. House Fisheries and a few other committees have scheduled meetings for this week.
Legislative Meetings of Interest Scheduled for the week of April 17:
Monday, April 17, 2017
HB 56 Commercial fishing loan limits – was heard and held in Senate Finance committee.
SB 88 Mental Health Land Exchange was heard in House Finance .
Tuesday, April 18:
10:00 AM – House Fisheries Committee – Room 120
HB 107 Fisheries enhancement permits
Wednesday, April 19:
1:00 P.M. House Resources Committee – Room 124
HB 107 Fisheries enhancement permits (pending referral from Fisheries on 4/18)
Thursday, April 20:
10:00 A.M. House Fisheries – Room 120
HB 188 – Regional permit banks
Friday, April 21:
1:00 P.M. House Resources Committee – Room 124
HB 107 Fisheries enhancement permits (pending referral from Fisheries on 4/18)
To testify or listen in to a hearing it’s best to go to a Legislative Information office – see them online at .
If you can’t get to an LIO you can call toll free 844-586-9085 and ask for the specific hearing.
Alaska State Legislature home page: .
To watch committee meetings live, click on “Live Now” tab near the upper right of the legislature home page.
Bills related to fisheries, and others that may be of interest to fishermen that we are tracking.
SB 3 – Small passenger wastewater & 1% for art exemption (Stedman)
SB 7 Establishing a museum construction grant program in the Department of Commerce, Community, and Economic Development – Stevens
HB 166 – House companion bill (Parish, Kito)
HCR 8 – Kodiak Seafood and Marine Science Center (House Fisheries)
HJR 9 – Canadian Mines on Transboundary Rivers (Ortiz)
HJR 12 – Opposing FDA approval of GM Salmon and urging labeling (Tarr)
HJR 19 – Arctic Marine Safety Agreements (Westlake)
HB 14 – Leg. approval of Bristol Bay sulfide mine- Josephson
HB 17 – Establishing a fish and game conservation program/account in ADFG – Josephson
HB 19 – Ban neonicotinoid pesticides – Drummond…
SB25 – Motor Fuel Tax – Senate Rules by Request of the Governor
SB26 – Approp Limit & Per Fund: Dividend; Earnings
HB 29 -Prohibiting sale of genetically modified fish/fish products – Tarr
HB 32 – Relating to the labeling of food; relating to the misbranding of food; requiring labeling of food produced with genetic engineering – Tarr
HB 42 – Relating to seizure of property; relating to forfeiture to the state – includes language on seizure of fishing permits…
HB 46 Procure AK Fish, Ag Prod.; Raw Milk Sales – Tarr
HB 56 Relating to limitations on certain commercial fishing loans- Ortiz
& companion bill:
SB 71 – Relating to limitations on certain commercial fishing loans – Stevens
HB 60 – Motor Fuel Tax – House Rules by Request of the Governor
HB 62 – Adoption of new regulations – would require repeal of another, except for regulations adopted by boards & commissions
HB 63 Transferring duties from DCCED to Department of Revenue – Rep. Pruitt
(this bill has had no action since addition of co-signer Millett on March 1)
SB 89 – Shellfish Enhancement Hatcheries passed House resources April 10, is now in Senate Finance and has not been scheduled.
HB 128 – companion bill is currently in House Finance and has not been scheduled.
SB 95 – Mariculture revolving loan fund – is currently in Senate Finance and has not been scheduled
HB 76 – House companion bill – is ino House Finance and has not been scheduled
HB 87 Board of Fisheries and Board of Game – Conflict of Interest (Stutes)
HB 88 Board of Fisheries Membership – Rep. Stutes
SB 88 – Mental Health Land Exchange – Sen. Stedman
SB 92 – An Act relating to abandoned and derelict vessels; relating to the registration of vessels; relating to certificates of title for vessels; relating to the duties of the Department of Administration; relating to the duties of the Department of Natural Resources; establishing the derelict vessel prevention program; establishing the derelict vessel prevention program fund; and providing for an effective date.” (This bill includes some insurance requirements that we are not aware of as being currently available).
HB 107 Fisheries enhancement permit – egg & unfed fry enhancement in same waters (Talerico)
HB 115 – Income Tax & PFD – (House Finance)
SB 115 “An Act relating to the Alaska Commercial Fisheries Entry Commission; and providing for an effective date.” (Administration)
HB 231 “An Act relating to the Alaska Commercial Fisheries Entry Commission; and providing for an effective date.” (Administration)
HB 129 – Fish and Game offense, licenses, and penalties (Governor) – passed House Resources on April 7 and is now in House Judiciary
SB 60 -Companion bill passed Senate Resources and is now in senate Judiciary. No hearings are scheduled at this time.
HB 149 – Board of Fisheries five year cycle (Chenault)
HB 155 – AK Mental Health Land Exchange (Ortiz)
HB 177 – Invasive Species (Tarr)
HB 188 – Regional permit banks (Kreiss – Tomkins)
HB 199 – Salmon Habitat permitting (Stutes) – was scheduled in House Fisheries Committee Tuesday 4/11 and Thursday 4/13 but was not heard.
SJR 3 Urging the President of the United States and the United States Congress to mitigate the harm done to the state’s seafood industry because of the withdrawal of the United States from the Trans-Pacific Partnership Agreement; and urging the President of the United States and the United States Congress to work to benefit and protect the state’s seafood industry – by Senator Wielechowski.
To support UFA by joining or renewing your membership, visit:
Compiled by UFA staff and made possible by the support of UFA’s Group, Business, Individual and Crew members.
PO Box 20229
Juneau AK 99802
(907) 586-2820