Who We Are

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UFA’s Mission

To promote and protect the common interest of Alaska’s commercial fishing industry, as a vital component of Alaska’s social and economic well-being.

Statement Policies

  • Promote positive relations between industry sectors.
  • Support all commercial gear types and remain neutral on allocative issues between commercial gear groups.
  • Protect industry from attacks through initiatives, legislation, etc.
  • Promote industry safety.
  • Promote healthy fishery resources by supporting research and habitat protection.
  • Support adequate funding for fishery research, management and enforcement.
  • Oppose fish farming.
  • Support development of new fisheries.
  • Educate industry, government and the public.
  • Support efforts to increase consumption of Alaska seafood.
  • Promote quality standards – harvester to consumer.
  • Protect consumer access to seafood by maintaining a stable supply of product to processors.
  • UFA policy for healthy and sustainable management of fisheries

UFA strongly supports:

  • State management of salmon fisheries.
  • Escapement goal management (Biological Escapement Goals).
  • Local management that is adaptive and abundance based.
  • Use of Commissioner’s EO authority on an active basis for the local management of a fishery.
  • Mixed stock management.

Core Functions of UFA – in order of priority

  1. Legislative presence
  2. Provide a forum for communication within the fishing industry
  3. Maintain a statewide trade organization with staffed office
  4. Public relations and educational programs targeting:
    1. members
    2. seafood industry and other industries
    3. general public


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