UFA Update: Alaska Primary Election REMINDER VOTE in the Primary Election TUESDAY, AUGUST 19th, 2014.

Primary Election candidates for political party nominations include: U.S. Senate, U.S. House of Representatives, Governor, Lieutenant Governor, and State House and Senate seats.



Download your own UFA Vote While You Fish poster – for primary and coming soon for general election, at the UFA home page at www.ufa-fish.org

Important 2014 Alaska Election Dates:
Voter and polling place lookup:https://webapp.state.ak.us/electionsLookup/JSP/VoterLookupMain.jsp
*** Polls are open Election Day from 7:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. ***
Aug 18 – Last day to submit your absentee ballot application electronically for the Primary Election.
August 19, Tuesday – PRIMARY ELECTION DAY
Aug 19 – Deadline for absentee by-mail ballots to be postmarked.
Aug 19 – 8:00 p.m. Alaska Standard Time, deadline for electronic transmission absentee ballots to be received.
Oct 5 – Last day to register to vote for the November 4th General Election.
Oct 20 – Early voting and in-person absentee, special needs and by-electronic transmission voting begins.
Oct 25 – Last day to submit your absentee ballot application by mail for the General Election.
Nov 3 – Last day to submit your absentee ballot application electronically for the General Election.
November 4, Tuesday – GENERAL ELECTION DAY

To vote for candidates in a primary, you must either be registered in that party, or Undeclared, or Non Partisan.  For Election, Early & Absentee Voting Info, scroll further down this message.

From the Executive Director:

United Fishermen of Alaska’s Motto – I Vote Fish! The seafood industry represents Alaska’s largest private sector employer. Commercial fishermen, crew and processing workforce voters make up a decisive constituency in state elections. Although our independent and competitive personalities guarantee we won’t agree on every issue, the votes of the seafood industry amount to a major force in Alaska politics.

While UFA works hard to represent the seafood industry collectively, we can all multiply our political power by becoming informed about the issues and the candidates and by voting. We need all hands on deck for both the Primary and the General election in 2014.

For those of you who don’t have the time or inclination to be active in fish politics, voting represents the simplest way to be heard by decision-makers. Find the full and updated list of candidates at the Division of Elections page at:www.elections.alaska.gov/ci_pg_cl_2014_prim.php#district.

2014 is an important election year for Alaska. Along with the majority of the Alaska State Legislature being up for re-election, elections for our Governor, one of our two U.S. senators, and our sole congressman will occur. As always, UFA encourages our members to reach out to candidates and elected officials in order to discuss your concerns and to help educate policy makers about the importance of the seafood industry to your family, your community, and to Alaska. You can find UFA’s helpful community commercial fish facts on our website at www.ufa-fish.org/cff.htm .

As always, UFA’s door is open to discuss any issues that are on your mind. Please contact us if you would like more information on the candidates running for office, or if you would like to know how to become more involved.

UFA MISSION: To promote and protect the common interest of Alaska’s commercial fishing industry, as a vital component of Alaska’s social and economic well-being.

Help support Alaska’s #1 private sector employer and protect your fishing business by joining UFA today! Visit ‘Become a Member’ on our website to see the various membership levels and benefits.  UFA members receive free subscriptions to National Fisherman and Pacific Fishing.

Julianne Curry
Executive Director
Mark Vinsel
Executive Administrator

United Fishermen of Alaska
Office: 907.586.2820
Cell: 907.957.4747
Facebook: facebook.com/UnitedFishermenAK
Twitter: twitter.com/UFA_Fish 



State Primary Election August 19-http://www.elections.alaska.gov/ei_general.php
Candidates for political party nominations for Governor, Lieutenant Governor, and State House and Senate seats will compete in the primary election for placement on the November general election ballot. To vote in party primary you must registered Undeclared, Non-Partisan or the party of the primary for which you’d like to vote.

In addition, the one statewide voter initiative will be on the August primary ballot:
Ballot Measure #1 – (13SB21) An Act Relating to the Oil and Gas Production Tax, Interest Rates on Overdue Taxes, and Tax Credit:http://www.elections.alaska.gov/doc/bml/BM1-13SB21-ballot-language..pdf

Division of Elections home page: http://www.elections.alaska.gov/

Vote while you fish and PLAN AHEAD – Make Plans Now to Vote in the November 4th General Election!
The state General Elections are Tuesday November 4th.  If you will be fishing or away from your residence, make plans to vote absentee or vote early

There are four ways to vote absentee: 1) in-person, 2) by mail, 3) by fax or electronic submission, and 4) through a personal representative if you are disabled.

1. Absentee In-Person & Early Voting:
You may vote absentee in person for 15 days before an election, and on election day (begins August 4). Absentee Early and In-Person Voting Locations will be posted online before the elections, at:http://www..elections.alaska.gov/vi_ea_ev_ip_sites.php
Ballots for all of Alaska’s 40 voting districts are available at regional election offices in Anchorage, Fairbanks, Juneau and Nome and in the state’s six largest airports on election day.

2. Absentee Voting By-Mail:http://www.elections.alaska.gov/vi_bb_by_mail.php
To cast an absentee vote by mail or electronic transmission, an application for absentee ballot must be filed in advance. Applications can be requested and turned in any time up to seven days before an election.
You may apply now for an absentee ballot by mail for the 2014 elections (opened January 1) – deadline is August 9 for ballot request.

3. Absentee voting by Fax and Electronic Transmission:http://www.elections.alaska.gov/vi_bb_by_fax.php
You may apply for an electronic transmission ballot beginning 15 days before each Election Day.  The deadline to receive absentee electronic transmission ballot applications before the primary is August 18.

4. Special Needs Absentee Voting through a personal representative (if you are disabled). Contact your local Alaska Division of Elections for more info – Regional Elections offices contact list: http://www.elections.alaska.gov/csm_contact_reo.php

General Election November 4th http://www.elections.alaska.gov/ei_general.php

This year’s Alaska General Election will feature races for U.S. Senator, U.S. House, Alaska Governor, Lieutenant Governor, State Senate and House. In addition, the General Election will include three ballot initiatives:
Ballot Measure #2 (13PSUM) – An Act to Tax and Regulate the Production, Sale and Use of Marijuana.
Ballot Measure #3 (13MINW) – An Act to Increase Alaska’s Minimum Wage.
Ballot Measure #4 (12BBAY) – An Act Providing for Protection of Bristol Bay Wild Salmon and Waters Within or Flowing Into the Existing 1972 Bristol Bay Fisheries Reserve.
Links to more ballot initiative information for the General Election is online at: http://www.elections.alaska.gov/ei_general_bm.php

Information on voting and registration is similar to the above Primary information. Important deadlines are included below.

Election Calendar – Important Election Dates

Voter and polling place lookup:https://webapp.state.ak.us/electionsLookup/JSP/VoterLookupMain.jsp
*** Polls are open Election Day from 7:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. ***
Aug 18 – Last day to submit your absentee ballot application electronically for the Primary Election.
Aug 19 – Deadline for absentee by-mail ballots to be postmarked.
Aug 19 – 8:00 p.m. Alaska Standard Time, deadline for electronic transmission absentee ballots to be received.
Oct 5 – Last day to register to vote for the November 4th General Election.
Oct 20 – Early voting and in-person absentee, special needs and by-electronic transmission voting begins.
Oct 25 – Last day to submit your absentee ballot application by mail for the General Election.
Nov 3 – Last day to submit your absentee ballot application electronically for the General Election.

Division of Elections Calendar:http://www.elections.alaska.gov/doc/forms/H11.pdf

UFA fond farewell!

Thanks to Representative, former Senator, & Special Assistant for Fisheries Alan Austerman of Kodiak. UFA member groups and the seafood industry wished to thank Representative Austerman for all that you have done for Alaska’s fisheries in your different roles spanning two decades. We are all better off due to your efforts!

UFA also wishes to thank Representative Peggy Wilson (Wrangell) and Representative Lindsey Holmes (Anchorage) for their years of service to Alaska. Both of these legislators worked hard and always left their door open to discuss fisheries issues.