Dear UFA Members and Friends,
In this issue:
- UFA is Hiring
- **Legislative Happenings from this Week**
- **Legislative Meetings of Interest for Next Week**
- How to Testify, Watch, or Listen to a Hearing
- Bills Related for Fisheries, and other Bills of Interest to Fishe
UFA is Hiring
United Fishermen of Alaska is seeking an Office Manager based in Juneau to work in a fast-paced environment. The Office Manager is responsible for general office work including membership correspondence, bookkeeping, filing of paper and electronic records, meeting preparation, and staff support to the Executive Director. The position is based in Juneau, Alaska. For a more detailed job description, please go to UFA’s website: UFA Office Manager Description.
-Frances Leach, Executive Director
House Finance
Legislation – Happenings from this week on fishery related bills we are tracking. (April 22 – April 26, 2019)
- Monday, April 22- HB 41 – Shellfish Enhance. Projects; Hatcheries. Heard & held. Watch Meeting
- Tuesday, April 24, SB 61 – Commercial Fishermen’s Fund: Vessel Owner Claims. Heard & held Watch Meeting
- Wednesday, April 25- HB 41 – Shellfish Enhance. Projects; Hatcheries. Hearing held and bill moved out of committee and headed to House Floor. Watch Meeting
- Friday, April 26, SB 61 – Commercial Fishermen’s Fund: Vessel Owner Claims. Heard & moved out of committee and referred to House Rules. Watch Meeting
House Fisheries
- Tuesday, April 23, HB 116 – Aquatic Farm/Hatchery Site Leases. Heard & held. Watch Meeting
- Tuesday, April 23, HR 8 – 2019 International Year of the Salmon Resolution. Heard and referred to House Resource for April 26. Watch Meeting
- Thursday, April 25, HB 116 – Aquatic Farm/Hatchery Site Leases. Heard and moved out of committee and referred to House Resources for May 3. Watch Meeting
- Thursday, April 25, HB 65 – Fish Tax: Repeal Muni Refunds/Rev. Share. Heard & held. Watch Meeting
House Resources
- Wednesday, April 24, Presentation: Fisheries Taxes in Alaska by Dept. of Revenue by Brandon Spanos, Deputy Director, Tax Division, Dept. of Revenue Commissioner Bruce Tangeman, Dept. of Revenue Elizabeth Nudelman, Revenue Audit Supervisor, Fish Tax Group, Dept. of Revenue. Watch Meeting
- Wednesday, April 24, HR 8 – 2019 International Year of the Salmon Resolution. Heard and Held. Watch Meeting
- Friday, April 26, Presentation: Alaska Commercial Fishing Industry Update by Frances Leach, Exec. Dir., United Fishermen of Alaska Watch Meeting
- Friday, April 26, Arctic Strategic Transportation and Resources by Faith Martineau, Director, Office of Project Management and Permitting, Dept. of Natural Resources Jeff Bruno, Large Project Coordinator, Office of Project Management and Permitting, Dept. of Natural Resources Watch Meeting
- Friday, April 26, HR 8 – 2019 International Year of the Salmon Resolution. Watch Meeting
Senate Resources
- Monday, April 22, SB 90 – Cook Inlet: New Admin Area; Permit Buyback. Heard & Held. Watch Meeting
Legislative Meetings of interest for this weekend and the week of April 29 – May 3, 2019.
MONDAY, April 29
Senate Resources– Butrovich 205
4:00 PM ~ **Teleconferenced**
- SB 90 – Cook Inlet: New Admin Area; Permit Buyback Meeting Link
TUESDAY, April 30
House Fisheries– Gruenberg 120
10:00 AM ~ **Teleconferenced**
- An overview of British Columbia Mining in Shared Transboundary Watersheds Meeting Link
- Bills previously heard/scheduled Meeting Link
House Resources– Barnes 124
1:00 PM ~ **Teleconferenced**
HB 116 – Aquatic Farm/Hatchery Site Leases **Public Testimony (Time Limit May be Set)** Meeting Link
Please feel free to track bills in The Bill Tracking Management Facility (BTMF).
To testify, watch or listen in to a hearing …
To testify it’s best to go to a Legislative Information office – see them online at . If you can’t get to an LIO you can call in to listen in or testify through the following numbers – call & ask for the specific committee hearing:
- From Anchorage based phones call 907-563-9085;
- From Juneau based phones or outside Alaska call 907-586-9085;
- From other areas of Alaska, call toll-free 844-586-9085…and ask for the specific hearing.
To watch hearings online go to legislative home page at at the time of the hearing, and click on the “Live Now” tab, and then select the meeting.
To watch floor sessions and other hearings see Gavel to Gavel archives.
To find your legislators and contact info see – see “WHO REPRESENTS ME?” in the lower right corner of the page.
Bills related to fisheries that we are tracking, and others that may be of interest to fishermen.
SB 22 – Shellfish Enhance. Projects; Hatcheries (Stevens- Senate Finance- UFA Supports) Referred to Senate Finance with no scheduled hearings at this time.
SB 51 – Natl. Res. Water Nomination/Designation (Senate Resources) Currently in Senate Resources with no scheduled hearings at this time.
SB 61 – Commercial Fishermen’s Fund: Vessel Owner Claims (Stevens – UFA Supports) Currently in House Rules with no scheduled hearings at this time.
SB 63 – Fish Tax: Repeal Muni Refunds/Rev. Share (Senate Rules by Request of the Governor- UFA Opposes) Currently in Senate Community and Regional Affairs with no scheduled hearings at this time.
SB 90 – Cook Inlet: New Admin Area; Permit Buyback (Micciche) Currently in Senate Resources with scheduled hearing for Monday, April 29.
SB 99 – Personal Use Fishing Priority (Kawasaki- UFA Opposes). Referred to Senate Resources with no scheduled hearings at this time.
HB 35 – Conflict of Interest: Board Fisheries/Game (Stutes – UFA Supports) Referred to Senate State Affairs with no scheduled hearings at this time.
HB 41 – Shellfish Enhance. Projects; Hatcheries (Ortiz – UFA Supports) Moved out of House Finance – next stop, House Floor.
HB 65 – Fish Tax: Repeal Muni Refunds/Rev. Share (House Rules by Request of the Governor – UFA Opposes) Currently in House Fisheries with no scheduled hearings at this time.
HB 105 – Commercial Fishermen’s Fund: Vessel Owner Claims. (Ortiz- UFA Supports) Currently in House Finance with no scheduled hearings at this time.
HB 116 – Aquatic Farm/Hatchery Site Leases. (Story). Currently in House Resources with hearing scheduled for May 3.
HR 8 – 2019 International Year of the Salmon Resolution. Currently in House Rules.
Please support our business members – see links on our website
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This update is made possible by the support of our Group, Business, Individual and Crew members.
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