UFA ACTION ALERT: HB 35 Conflict of Interest BOF/BOG

House Bill HB 35– Conflict Of Interest: Board Fisheries/Game will be heard in House Resources on Wednesday March 27 and Friday March 29.  The sponsor of this bill, Representative Stutes, has urged all fishermen to please weigh in to support this bill.  UFA strongly SUPPORTS HB 35 as it will allow Board of Fisheries board members to participate during deliberation on proposals that they may have a conflict of interest with. This bill will NOT allow them to vote, but fully participate in deliberations which they are currently prohibited from doing.
It’s easy to send in a letter of support!
Send an email of support to: matt.gruening@akleg.gov
Here is an example:
Dear Representative Stutes,

I support HB 35- Conflict of Interest bill.  This bill will greatly improve the process of the Board of Fisheries by allowing board members with particular knowledge and experience in their region and/or fishery to fully participate in deliberations, lending their expertise on the subject.  This will make for a more transparent process and also may encourage more individuals to put their name forth to become a board member.
Thank you for this opportunity to comment.
City, State
Boat Name

Prepared by UFA staff and made possible by the support of UFA Group, Business, Individual and Crew members.
To join UFA see https://www.ufafish.org/become-a-member/.