Senate Resources committee will take public testimony on Board of Fisheries appointees tomorrow.
UFA opposes Karl Johnstone and we urge you to help by calling in to the committee – and getting others to as well.
There will be plenty of people calling in to support Karl Johnstone – we need your help to ensure there are opposing callers!
Wednesday April 10 – 3:30 PM – Room 205
Key points:
-Oppose confirmation of Karl Johnstone to the Board of Fisheries
-Mr. Johnstone was blatantly discriminatory against commercial fisheries and the ADFG Comfish division in his previous time on the Board.
-Confirmation of Johnstone would leave the Board of Fisheries seriously “out of balance” with respect to commercial fisheries representation.
To testify – if you are not in Juneau it is best to go to a Legislative Information Office (LIO) at least a half hour before the hearing begins.
If you are unable to get to an LIO, CALL THE LIO NEAREST YOU BEFORE 3:00 p.m to get the Off-Net call in number – See the list of Southeast LIOs below.
If you are outside of Southeast – see the full list of LIOs at .
Prepared by UFA staff and made possible by the support of UFA Group, Business, Individual and Crew members.
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