The House Resource committee scheduled for Saturday has been canceled.
Instead, House Fisheries and House Resources will hold a joint meeting on Monday, April 15 at 6:30 PM in Capital Building 106.
Public Testimony will be taken and we urge you to call in. This will be your only remaining chance to testify in opposition to Karl Johnstone.
To testify – if you are not in Juneau it is best to go to a Legislative Information Office (LIO) at least a half hour before the hearing begins.
Key points:
- Oppose confirmation of Karl Johnstone to the Board of Fisheries
- Mr. Johnstone was blatantly discriminatory against commercial fisheries and the ADFG Comfish division in his previous time on the Board.
- Confirmation of Johnstone would leave the Board of Fisheries seriously “out of balance” with respect to commercial fisheries representation.
If you are unable to get to an LIO, you can use these call in numbers –
• 907-563-9085 (Anchorage)
• 907-586-9085 (Juneau)
• 844-586-9085 (Outside Anchorage and Juneau)
(OR Go to or CALL THE LIO NEAREST YOU BEFORE 3:00 p.m to get the Off-Net call in number – See the list of LIOs below.
or at https://akleg.gov/lios.php .
Anchorage Legislative Information Office
(907) 269-0111
1500 W. Benson Blvd.
Fax: (907) 269-0229
Anchorage, AK 99503
TDD: (907) 269-0260
Bethel Legislative Information Office
(907) 543-3541
PO Box 886
Fax: (907) 543-3542
301 Willow Street
Bethel, AK 99559-0866
Cordova Legislative Information Office
(907) 424-5461
PO Box 2248
Fax: (907) 424-5462
418 First St., Suite A
Cordova, AK 99574-2248
Delta Jct. Legislative Information Office
(907) 895-4236
PO Box 1189
Fax: (907) 895-5017
Colombo Building, Suite 204, 1380 Richardson Hwy.
Delta Jct., AK 99737-1189
Dillingham Legislative Information Office
(907) 842-5319
PO Box 829
Fax: (907) 842-5105
Kangiiqutaq Building
Dillingham, AK 99576-0829
Fairbanks Legislative Information Office
(907) 452-4448
1292 Sadler Way Suite 308
Fax: (907) 456-3346
Fairbanks, AK 99701
TDD: (907) 456-5076
Glennallen Legislative Information Office
(907) 822-5588
PO Box 68
Fax: (907) 822-5591
186 Glenn Hwy
Glennallen, AK 99588-0068
Homer Legislative Information Office
(907) 235-7878
270 West Pioneer Ave. Suite B
Fax: (907) 235-4008
Homer, AK 99603-7559
Juneau Legislative Information Office
(907) 465-4648
State Capitol, Terry Miller Building, Suite 111
Fax: (907) 465-2864
Juneau, AK 99801-1182
TDD: (907) 465-4980
Kenai Legislative Information Office
(907) 283-2030
145 Main Street Loop, Suite 217
Fax: (907) 283-3075
Kenai, AK 99611
Ketchikan Legislative Information Office
(907) 225-9675
1900 First Ave, Suite 310
Fax: (907) 225-8546
Ketchikan, AK 99901
Kodiak Legislative Information Office
(907) 486-8116
305 Center Ave. Suite 1
Fax: (907) 486-5264
Kodiak, AK 99615-6431
Kotzebue Legislative Information Office
(907) 442-3880
PO Box 650
Fax: (907) 442-3022
241 5th Ave
Kotzebue, AK 99752-0667
Matsu Legislative Information Office
(907) 376-3704
600 E. Railroad Avenue
Fax: (907) 376-6180
Wasilla, AK 99654-8135
Nome Legislative Information Office
(907) 443-5555
PO Box 1630
Fax: (907) 443-2162
103 Front Street, State Office Bldg
Nome, AK 99762-1630
Petersburg Legislative Information Office
(907) 772-3741
PO Box 1470
Fax: (907) 772-3779
11B Gjoa Street
Petersburg, AK 99833-1470
Seward Legislative Information Office
(907) 224-5066
PO Box 1769, 302 Railway Ste. 107
Fax: (907) 224-5067
Seward, AK 99664
Sitka Legislative Information Office
(907) 747-6276
201 Katlian Street, Suite 103
Fax: (907) 747-5807
Sitka, AK 99835
Tok Legislative Information Office
(907) 883-5020
PO Box 845
Fax: (907) 883-5021
1314 Alaska Highway
Tok, AK 99780-0845
Utqiagvik Legislative Information Office
(907) 852-7111
PO Box 830
Fax: (907) 852-7114
119 Bank Building
Utqiagvik, AK 99723-0830
Valdez Legislative Information Office
(907) 835-2111
PO Box 1969
Fax: (907) 835-2097
State Office Building, Room 13
Valdez, AK 99686-1969
Wrangell Legislative Information Office
(907) 874-3013
PO Box 1514
Fax: (907) 874-3955
223 Front Street
Wrangell, AK 99929-1514
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To join UFA see https://www.ufafish.org/become-a-member/
This update is made possible by the support of our Group, Business, Individual and Crew members.
To join UFA see https://www.ufafish.org/become-a-member/